In a coaching session recently I was told that I needed to start channeling my inner Queen.

So I decided to rename my Head Trash services after Queen songs. Not sure if that’s what she meant but it was a ton of fun!

I know you’re dying to know how this panned out, so here goes…

Another One Bites the Dust

One-off Head Trash Clearance Sessions for peeps to dip their toe and find out what all the fuss is about. We pick ONE piece of head trash and.. well you know the rest!

Don’t Stop Me Now

I don’t stop until I clear ALL of the sub-conscious sources of self-sabotage around something that’s eluding you. People usually have around 35 different blocks stopping them from getting to their goals, so in this session I don’t stop until I smash through them all.

It’s a Kind of Magic

🎡 🎢 “One dream, one soul, one prize, one goal. One golden glance of what should be. (It’s a kind of magic)” 🎡 🎢

You pick ONE goal that’s eluding you and we clear all the self sabotage and crappy patterns of behaviours that are getting in the way of it being a reality for you.

This goes deeper than DON’T STOP ME NOW and is more thorough (and magical). Best for the big hairy-assed goals.

I want to break free

🎡 🎢  “I want to break free. I want to break free from your lies” 🎡 🎢

Our head trash is like a prison; it lies to us and holds us back, and we just want to break free of it. This one month kick-start programme will help you to free yourself from the head trash that’s holding you back.


For small business owners and freelancers who want to breakthru to the next level in their business.

Here we explore your services, pricing, positioning and messaging, and uncover the head trash that is getting in the way of you being able to up-level in your business. This programme is intense and exciting, and you’ll be making breakthrus on all sorts of levels so that you can increase your reach, impact and revenue.

Under Pressure

For the leaders, the CEOs and the ones at the top; the ones under pressure!

This is a highly potent blend of head trash clearance with business and leadership coaching. We will clear the head trash that is getting in the way of you executing and implementing as a leader at the helm of a fast-growing business. There is no plan here, we go where you and your business demands.

I want it all

This is for the bold and ambitious. The dream seekers and go-getters. The fearless and the courageous.

You have high hopes for yourself. You want the dream. You want it all. But first, you need to get out of your own way.

Good Company

The Head Trash Workplace Wellness Programmes will help you to “keep good company” and “take good care of those you call your own”.
Me and my team of Head Trash Coaches will work with your teams to build their mental fitness and emotional resilience so that they are happier, more productive and work better together.

That last song is a new one for me – but so bloody perfect!!! Especially when you read the lyrics.

This was the most fun I’ve ever had on a Monday morning!

Closely followed by putting my face on the Queen’s πŸ˜‚