I clear

So that you can crack on with the business and life you desire.

Power, visibility & confidence

To live the life you truly desire, you need to activate your inner power; the part of you that believes you can do anything.

Once you’ve stepped into your power, you need to be seen by those who matter.

Then you need to march on with unshakable confidence.

This is what I can help you with. Whether that’s in life or business.

What are you curious about?

Self-sabotage Clearance

Get rid of what stands between you and that big fat sexy goal you’ve been eying up but that keeps eluding you.

Head Trash Clearance

Clear the fears, anxieties, self-doubt and inner conflicts that are sapping your power and your confidence.

Business Mindset

A potent mix of business and head trash clearance for ambitious business owners, leaders and their teams.

“As I began working with Alexia and the head trash tool, I realised I had the power to create whatever I wanted to. I have since made my money back!”

Meet my
Super Powers.




Marketing was my first love, but it’s not my last. It’s probably why I keep trying to monetise stuff and why I can’t help but spot the gold in other people’s ideas.



Mindset is my jam! I have a knack for spotting the head trash that’s staring most people in the faces. And I can get rid of it in no time. It’s almost like I know magic.



My fears have a lot to answer for. Despite them, I quit my job, set up my business, fell pregnant and had kids, and moved countries. I know Fear well. Too well. We’re mates in fact. 

From the blog…


If you want more clarity, calmness and peace in your life, then it’s yours. Just use the Head Trash Clearance Method that I share in my book. Its speed and potency will amaze you. It’s a great place to start if you’re curious about my work.


I wrote this in 3 months on maternity leave after the gazillionth email I received from a total stranger wanting to know how I’d gone from fearful to fearless so quickly during my pregnancy. It’s for women who want to clear their fears and have a positive birth.


I co-authored this in the days before smartphones. The tech might have changed since then, but a lot about building and managing your digital presence and online reputation still stands. You’ll find this book in all good charity shops. 

My Books

Available in all the usual online places.